First Time


You're ready to run!

Congratulations on registering for your first Doylestown 5K Race! We’re excited to have you, and we bet you might have questions. We’ll do our best to summarize what to expect before, during and after the race!

Pre Race

Anytime you run a race for the first time, you’re bound to have some nerves. But the good news is, you got this! So to help you prepare, we want you to check out the course, if you’re local we’d encourage you to maybe come to walk the course so you can get a feel for what it will be like. Knowing on race day you’ll be with 700+ of your biggest racing friends and folks all along the course cheering you on. As you’re gearing up for race weekend, make sure you’re following your normal food plans - trying new fads or unexpected foods to prepare might make you feel off on race day. Don’t forget to hydrate! Make sure you are drinking plenty of water and avoid dehydrating foods/drinks. A good night's sleep goes a long way. Packet pickup happens Friday night from 5-7 PM and Saturday morning from 7-8:45 AM - we’d encourage you to utilize the Friday option so you can arrive Saturday ready to go.

At the Race

Woohoo - you made it to race day! Plan to arrive at least 30-45 minutes before the race. This will give you enough time to park, stretch, get situated, check your laces, use the bathroom, warm up a bit, and check out the start area. Before the 5K starts, there is a 1 Mile Fun Run which features an amazing group of kids and adults who could also use a cheering section to help them tackle Doylestown’s Mightiest Mile. The start lines for the two races are at the same location - so while you’re warming up and getting in the zone give a shout and help those kids feel awesome for finishing their event!

Before you head to the start line, make sure your bib is on the front of your torso on your outer-most layer of gear. Please don’t fold or forcefully bend your bib as best you can.

Post Race

You did it! Congratulations! Now it’s time to enjoy the post-race amenities and cheer on the runners still crossing the finish line. If you have it in you, they’d absolutely appreciate your help cheering! If you registered for the race online you should receive a text and email with your official race. We’ll also have the results posted by the finish line. Grab a snack, visit with sponsors, and even enjoy a post-race beer (21 and up runners only) and stretch! Our race awards will be given out at approximately 10:30 by the beer garden! Recipients will pose for a photo and will receive their award on-site. If you are unable to stay, you will be contacted after the race to make arrangements. Results and photos from the race will be on our website and social media sometime after the fun wraps up.

Warm Weather Running Advice

Here are some tips to better help you prepare for running our race on a warm or hot day!

  1. Slow down! If the temperatures are warmer than normal, don’t worry about running a personal best or running at a pace faster than your training. Run at a slower pace, and walk if you are feeling too warm.
  2. Keep in mind that the harder you push, the more heat you produce. Listen to your body! 
  3. Recognize the signs and symptoms of heat illness. General warning signs include headache, muscle cramps, nausea, vomiting, fainting, or loss of coordination.
  4. Recognize early warning signs of dehydration. Dark yellow urine, loss of energy, dizziness, loss of coordination, muscle cramps, and headaches are all common warnings.
  5. Seek medical attention if you are feeling the effects of heat Illness. We have EMS at the race each year, if you need help please dial 911 or flag down a volunteer to get emergency services to your location!
  6. Rehydrate as needed. How much you drink depends on your size and how hot it is during the run. A normal rule of thumb is to drink six to eight ounces of fluid (water or sports drink) every 15 minutes of exercise in the heat. On super hot days, you can increase your fluid intake as much as 25% from this formula.
  7. Drink your fluids. Pouring water over your head feels great, but it does not necessarily help reduce your body temperature or prevent heat illness.
  8. Avoid drinking coffee or any drinks with caffeine prior to the race.
  9. Wear light colored clothing.
  10. Use sunscreen to protect your skin.